26 August, 2009

Dedicated to "Justagirl"

You are so brave - you have simply inspired me. I'm actually hoping I can become a neurologist and your story is truly touching.

22 August, 2009

Tvetik Semitvetik (Magic Flower)

Just another drawing I did. I tried out a new technique.

Little Sketch

This is a little sketch I did in pen - must of been thinking of "The Secret Garden". This was just ment to be an experiment with technique.

19 August, 2009

Gluck's "Oh, del mio dolce ardor" from Italian opera "Paride ed Elena"

I haven't really drawn anything for over a month (for the first time in my life I was uninspired!!!). Someone recently told me a certain phrase however: "You are a tree." and this inspired me to draw a picture. Although that drawing didn't turn out very well, it gave me the boost of creative energy I needed to return to my art. Thank you to that person!
While I drew this I listened to Gluck's "Oh, del mio dolce ardor" from Italian opera "Paride ed Elena". This is a very, very beautiful piece. I rearranged it and then played it on viola with piano - although it is fairly easy to play, it is stunning!!! The song pierces the listener's heart.
This is a picture drawn entirely with a black pen (unfortunately it occasional blotched!!!) on regular 8 1/2 x 11 paper.