You are so brave - you have simply inspired me. I'm actually hoping I can become a neurologist and your story is truly touching.
26 August, 2009
22 August, 2009
19 August, 2009
Gluck's "Oh, del mio dolce ardor" from Italian opera "Paride ed Elena"
I haven't really drawn anything for over a month (for the first time in my life I was uninspired!!!). Someone recently told me a certain phrase however: "You are a tree." and this inspired me to draw a picture. Although that drawing didn't turn out very well, it gave me the boost of creative energy I needed to return to my art. Thank you to that person!
While I drew this I listened to Gluck's "Oh, del mio dolce ardor" from Italian opera "Paride ed Elena". This is a very, very beautiful piece. I rearranged it and then played it on viola with piano - although it is fairly easy to play, it is stunning!!! The song pierces the listener's heart.
This is a picture drawn entirely with a black pen (unfortunately it occasional blotched!!!) on regular 8 1/2 x 11 paper.