22 February, 2009

Inspiration... Imagination... Spontanuity.

These are three feather and ink drawings I did one after another in a space of about fifteen minutes because of the incredible joy I got from improvising with a wonderful violinist on Friday. She truly gave me so much to think about - and I would like to thank her tremendously!
This technique basically involves dripping water on a special kind of paper and then letting the feather trace its inky path through it, disolving in the watery parts. One feels such freedom doing this! There is no room for error but plenty of room for imagination! One must feel the form of the paper and carve out a figure. The best part is when you tilt the paper and the ink and water roll around creating unexpected lines, twists and turns, and the paper knows how to manipulate the artwork to create the most delicate and beautiful of harmonies!!! How like the experience of improvisation on a string instrument... :-)

07 February, 2009


The Highwayman

This is one of my favourite poems of all time. It just makes your heart skip a beat. I believe everyone should read it. You should - and you won't regret it... even if you aren't the greatest fan of poetry.