06 July, 2009

Telemann Viola Concerto - Movement 2/3/4

I drew this while listening to the last 3 movements of the Telemann Viola concerto - such beautiful music!!! Thank you to the one who introduced me to it!
This picture is drawn partly in pen and partly in pencil crayon. It is actually in colour but I think it's prettier black and white.

Telemann Viola Concerto - Movement 1

This is such a beautiful piece. At first I had some difficulty finding a good recording but later found one on Youtube. Definately go listen to it!!!
I am currently learning the second movement and it is pretty challenging in some parts!
In this drawing I used a new technique. I used ink on a strange kind of absorbant paper I found lying around and it created a pretty effect (not a very efficient technique though because you have to dip your feather into the ink at every new stroke!!!). I then made a photocopy to make it black and white and did a few lines in colour with pen. First drawing I've done in about a month!!!