On Friday I was given the honour of listening several pieces written for different flutes. These divine, emotional pieces filled me with an unquenchable desire to draw, and so that very evening I splashed it all out on paper.
These compositions were so beautiful however, that I could not possible relieve this urge to express all of the emotions. It therefore inspired me to create a new style of drawing (which only the best pieces do).
This new method of drawing involves drawing a rapid sketch with feather and ink on a special type of paper, then scanning it, lightening/posturizing it, and printing it out again on another sheet of the special paper. This print is then used for the midtones in the picture. The darker parts are drawn in and the picture is scanned again (and "cutout effect" in Photoshop is employed). The picture is printed out on a new sheet of the paper and now the fine details are drawn in (e.g. the face).
The print turns out remarkably fine on the paper.