07 November, 2009

Vivaldi's Winter

Well, winter's coming on and everyone is getting sick so what can be more fitting?

This is a little feather and ink drawing I did yesterday evening. This style is nice because it is very quick (I did this in about 10 minutes) and you can get something off your mind. Also, it's nice because Vivaldi's "Winter" from the "Four Seasons" is approximately ten minutes so I didn't have to press the "play again" button.

Oh my, listening to this piece brings back such wonderful memories. I remember playing this a few months ago on viola. It is so, so beautiful. The eighth notes in the first movement always sort of put me under a spell.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Ура!! Нам с Натальей-очень понравилось-КЛАСС. Рисовать-ни в коем случае прекращать-НЕЛЬЗЯ.Рука у неё поставлена. Чувствуется-не то чтобы-твёрдость, а уверенность, в движении.
А академический рисунок-как?